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What Is The Process For Getting Lash Extensions Done?

Lash extensions are a popular way to add length, volume, and thickness to your eyelashes. They are made from natural or synthetic fibers that are placed on top of the existing lashes.   

Lash Social Club offers you the best lash extensions. If you're considering getting lash extensions, there are a few things to keep in mind before you make your appointment. Here's a guide on the process of getting lash extensions done right:

1. There are many Lash Extension Providers out there, so it can be tough to choose who to go with. Make sure you do your research and find a provider who has a good track record and is experienced in doing lash extensions.

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2. Once you've chosen a provider, book your appointment as soon as possible! Appointments fill up quickly, so don't wait to get started.

3.  Before your appointment, make sure you are completely prepared. Bring any necessary documents such as your driver's license or passport and proof of insurance. Also, be sure to shave all of your hair off above the eyelashes so that the technician can easily apply the extensions. 

4. During your appointment, the technician will measure your lash length and width and ensure the extensions are a perfect fit. If you have any questions about the fit, don't hesitate to ask!

5. After getting fitted, it's time to get ready for the application process! The technician will apply a numbing cream to your upper eyelid and then use a special applicator to place the extensions on your lashes. 

6. Once the application process is complete, you'll be able to enjoy your new lashes. Make sure to keep them clean and protected using a lash primer and mascara before every wear.