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The Definitive Guide To Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a type of restoration that is used to replace a damaged or missing tooth. Crowns are made out of different materials, including gold, titanium, and porcelain. They are typically designed to look like the tooth that they are replacing and can be attached using either dental cement or a set of dental implants. To get the best dental crowns in Buderim you may hop over to

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Benefits of Dental Crowns

Crowns are custom-made teeth replacements that are typically more esthetic and durable than traditional fillings. They can last up to 10 years and provide a great option for people who have had extensive tooth loss or damage. Crowns also offer the improved chewing ability, less chance of gum disease, and a cleaner look when compared to traditional fillings.

There are a few things to keep in mind before getting crowns done: Firstly, make sure you have an accurate diagnosis from your dentist. If you have severe tooth decay or other issues that would require the use of a metal frame or bridge, then you will not be a good candidate for crowns. 

Secondly, always discuss your options with your dentist beforehand so they can get an idea of what would be best for you and your mouth. Moreover, remember that crowns do require some maintenance – they may need to be replaced every 7-10 years in most cases. Finally, always consult with a dental insurance provider before undergoing any dental work as many policies cover crowns as standard procedures.