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Everything You Need To Know About Credit Card Charge Disputes

A credit card charge dispute is the process of disputing a charge on your credit card statement if you believe it is incorrect, fraudulent, or unauthorized. This process typically involves filing a dispute with your credit card issuer, providing documentation to support your claim, and potentially having the charge reversed. If you want to hire a professional lawyer for a credit card charge dispute then, you can navigate to this site

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When a credit card charge dispute is filed, the issuing bank reviews the claim to determine if it is valid. If the dispute is valid, the bank will then contact the merchant and the merchant must provide evidence to prove that the charge was legitimate. The merchant may also be assessed a chargeback fee. 

To prevent chargebacks, merchants should ensure that their billing and shipping information is accurate and that they are providing the goods or services promised promptly.

It is important to note that chargebacks are not a form of legal action and merchants have the right to dispute a chargeback if they believe that it is invalid. This can be done by filing a chargeback rebuttal, which is a document outlining the merchant’s evidence that the charge was legitimate.

Overall, credit card charge disputes can be a hassle for both merchants and customers. By understanding the process, merchants can take steps to prevent chargebacks and protect themselves in the event of a dispute.