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Signs of Asbestos Contamination: How to Spot the Red Flags

asbestos in Newcastle, NSW removal

Courtesy – theallweathergroup

Identifying signs of asbestos contamination is very important for the safety of occupants in older homes. Asbestos is a hazardous material known for its health risks, and it was widely used in construction until the 1980s. While professional testing is just the way to confirm the asbestos presence, some red flags would indicate potential contamination.

Age of the building

If your home or building was constructed back in the 1980s, there is a higher likelihood of asbestos-containing materials being present. Several building materials like insulation, sealing coatings, and floorings used asbestos during that time.

Suspicious insulation

You can connect with experts offering asbestos removal in Newcastle, NSW, as they can help you identify some suspicious insulation materials like loosely filled insulation. If you notice any loose fluffy insulation in the attic, it is recommended to have it tested for asbestos.

Popcorn ceilings

Prominently known as popcorn ceilings, texture ceiling coatings were popular in the mid-20th century. If your home has textured ceilings, especially if they were installed before the 1980s, it is advisable to have them tested.

Vinyl floor tiles and linoleum

some vinyl floor tiles and linoleum products manufactured before the 1980s contained asbestos. The tiles often have a unique pattern and might release asbestos fibers if they are damaged or disturbed.

Consider checking building materials.

Damaged or deteriorating building materials like crumbling drywall or disintegrating insulation potentially contain asbestos.