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How to Choose the Right Pool Filter for Your Needs

There are a few things to consider when selecting a pool filter for your needs: the volume of water being filtered, the type of filter media, and the size of the filter. 

Pool filters can be categorized by their function: mechanical, chemical, or biological. Mechanical filters use moving parts to remove particles from the water. Chemical filters use chemicals to remove particles.

Biological filters use an organism to break down organic material in the water.  You can use different types of pool filters from Bermuda Lifestyle.

The volume of water being filtered is one factor you'll need to keep in mind when choosing a pool filter. A small-volume pool will require a smaller-sized filter while a larger pool will require a larger filter. 

Type of Filter Media: There are three types of media used in pool filters- granular activated carbon (GAC), biodegradable polypropylene (BPP), and cellulose derivative (CD). GAC is the most effective at removing chlorine and other chemicals, but it's also the most expensive and doesn't last long.

BPP is less expensive than GAC and lasts longer, but it doesn't do as well at removing chlorine or other chemicals. CD is made out of plant materials like bamboo that has been treated with sulfur dioxide to kill bacteria, but it's not as effective as GAC or BPP at removing chemicals or parasites. 

Size of Filter: Pool filters come in different sizes depending on their function- mechanical, chemical, or biological.