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Digital Marketing Strategies- To Increase Traffic

Digital marketing refers to a type of web marketing that makes use of digital technology to promote products or services. It’s also known by the names e-marketing or internet marketing, web advertising, and online advertising.

Digital marketing offers many advantages over traditional internet marketing methods such as email and social media. You can contact the best digital marketing services in Christchurch via that will provide valuable data that can be used in future campaigns.

Image Source: Google

There are many ways to do SEO. These are the main and most efficient SEO methods:

Titles, headings, and URLs for SEO: The heading and the title of the page are different. The search engine attempts to locate websites that have titles, headings, or URLs that match keywords when users type in a keyword search term. Websites that match your keywords will rank higher if their headings, titles, and URLs match those keywords.

Create SEO content: Search engines attempt to match keywords entered with website content. Search engines will search for articles that contain the keyword “Best SEO company”.

There will be millions upon millions of articles with the phrase “Best SEO company” in their titles. These articles are ranked by search engines based on their “keyword density”. The keyword density is calculated by multiplying the total words by the number of keywords within the article and then multiplying it by 100.

A 100-word article that has the keyword “Best search engine optimization company in Tauranga”, repeated two times will have a keyword density of 2%. The highest-ranking articles are those with a keyword density between 0.5 and 2%.