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Wooden Fence and Deck Maintenance for Winter Season

Your property demands intense maintenance during extreme weather. Be it summer, rains, or winters, harsh weathers take a toll on the paintwork, flooring, laminates, stain, sealer, etc.

This stands especially true for winters if you have wooden fences and a deck. Changing temperatures, snow and water damage, falling leaves and fruits, and so on and so forth. Check with your fence installation services whether they would come for a clean-up and reapply protective coats on your fence & deck. If not, then here's how to go about the maintenance spree:

Maintenance Tips for Wooden Decks and Fence

Different wood deck designs and fences need different types of maintenance services & protective products. Needless to say that decks face the most stress and strain of usage plus climatic conditions, you need to take special care of them.

If you are looking for wooden fence and deck maintenance, then you can browse

  • Paint, Stain, and Seal

Paint on fences and decks forms a direct protective layer on the wood. Winters bring in snowfall which eventually leads to water condensation and moisture. This causes the biggest harm to wooden outdoor structures – mold formation. It not only makes for an ugly appearance but stains and health hazards too causing breathing issues.

Stain and seal provide an extra layer to protect the paintwork and laminates from fading. It also saves the wood from mold build-up. You don't want any stains from the fruits or flowers that fall on your fences too from the trees within your garden or just outside on the pavement.