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What You Need to Know About Migraine Headaches

Migraine is one of the most painful and debilitating conditions a person may suffer from and what is worse, there is not much you can do about it. Migraine headaches are often caused by the changes in the shape and size of the blood vessels that are found in the head. The blood vessels may expand or an inflammation may occur in the tissues that are found in that area.

No one is sure what causes it to occur in this unsystematic manner. Researches into the causes of migraines are ongoing, but have so far not led to much. Specialists believe migraine headaches could be due to constriction of the blood vessels, especially in electronic changes similar to what occurs during seizures. Some experts believe migraines can be genetic and will affect those with a history of migraines. You can check out the migraine specialist at

The common headache that a person might experience every now and again is not a migraine headache. They have poles that are very different. The pain is more localized in migraine headaches, which are often located on the sides of your head. Tension headaches can affect the entire area of your head. The intensity of the pain is another difference.

While tension headaches tend to be milder and less severe than migraine headaches, they can be very severe. Migraine headaches can cause severe pain that causes pounding, throbbing headaches that only gets worse.