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What To Expect With Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry, or IV sedation dentistry, offers people with dental phobias and other patients with special needs the opportunity to undergo dental procedures while fully relaxed.

During the IV sedation, you can breathe on your own, but it is so relaxing that you probably will not remember anything about the procedure itself.

While each dentist who offers sedation dentistry may have processes and procedures that are slightly different, in general, here is what you can expect with sedation dentistry. You can also look for a sedation dentist online via

Although there are different methods of sedation dentistry, IV sedation medicine uses intravenous solution is delivered through the patient to relax completely. These drugs are powerful and can react with some prescription medications.

They are also not suitable for everyone. You need to make an appointment with a dentist you're considering for IV sedation and to reveal during an appointment that medical conditions, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, herbs, or supplements you're taking.

Your dentist will do an examination, X-rays of your teeth are needed, and discuss the pros, cons, and possible side effects of sedation IV. You should feel comfortable asking your dentist to explain any part of the procedure or treatment plan that you do not understand.

Once you and your dentist agree to IV sedation during dental procedures, you will make an appointment to come back for the actual procedure.