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What is Floating Floor? How is it made?

Flooring is used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a house and any business hub. It has to be appropriately installed to give your place a better look. Choosing the right flooring material is equally important as the right installation of the flooring.

Nowadays, the installation of floating floors has increased as many people are installing it. The floating floor and misnomer is assumed to be a type of flooring material. But It is not true, a floating floor is a way of installation of a floor which makes it look like it is floating. You can also know the cost of floating floor via

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In a floating floor installation, the material consists of planks. The planks are not glued, nailed to the subfloor, or stapled. They are joined to each other which allows the floor to float and seems like it is over the surface underneath.

Types of installation:-

Glue Together:- The glue together is an older version of the installation of a floating floor. In this process, planks are assembled with appropriate adhesive and pressure. The pressure binds the planks together.

Click together:- The edges of planks are already designed in a form that they will easily click together. They will automatically combine and tapped when placed around the edge of each other.

Lock and Fold:- In this process, the planks are combined with each other with a special milled interlocking system. It does not require sticking and tapping on the planks.