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What Is A Prp Hair Transplant Injection?

A Prp hair transplant injection is a special type of hair restoration treatment that uses a microscopic implant to replace lost hair. You can also click here for more info about prp scalp injections.

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Benefits of a Prp Hair Transplant Injection include:

1. Minimal surgical time and Recovery: The standard Prp hair transplant injection takes about an hour, and most patients only require a couple of days off work. Recovery is typically very fast, with most patients returning to their regular activities within two or three days.

2. Low risk of Graft Failure: Unlike traditional hair restoration treatments that use strips or plugs, the Prp hair transplant injection uses microscopic implants that are highly unlikely to fail over time. Even if one loses all their hair due to chemotherapy or other medical issues, the implant will still remain in place and can be replaced later on if desired.

3. Excellent cosmetic results: The cosmetic results of a Prp hair transplant injection are some of the best available, with natural-looking hair replacing lost hair in a very short period of time. Patients can expect to see significant improvement in their appearance within just a few sessions, with complete results usually achieved within six months.

A Prp Hair Transplant Injection is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a fine needle to transplant hair follicles from an area of the head where hair is thinned or missing to areas where hair is desired. 

The benefits of Prp Hair Transplant Injections include:

-Reduced hair loss

– Fuller, thicker hair with less breakage

– Increased confidence and self-esteem

– Reduced appearance of baldness or thinning hair