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The Dos and Don’ts of Power Washing

Power washing can be extremely important when it comes to cleaning various surfaces. It can be done both at home and in industrial settings. The washers can be powered by gasoline, diesel, or even electricity. In addition, washing is mostly done with the use of water, whether it is hot or cold, on the floor or on an object that requires cleaning.

Basically, power washing or power washers are the perfect and best medium when it comes to cleaning homes, garages and industrial areas. At home, there are actually a wide variety of uses. First on the list is that they can be used to clean peeling paint that is coming off old painted walls. Next, they can be utilized as a great way to clean garage floors, which are often stained and get dirty easily. Lastly, they are also helpful in cleaning cars and other vehicles such as tractors.

As in the case of factories and industry, residential power washing is mainly used in order to clean out big machines as well as automobiles. What’s so great about power washing is the fact that it can absolutely clean any type of dirt, stain, dust and rust, and even stains coming from chemicals.

However, power washer users should be informed on the proper ways on how to use these powerful tools in order to avoid harm. Thus, here are the dos and don’ts that will be able to help you understand more about power or pressure washing:

  • Keep in mind that you should never aim a pressure washer on people or even pets because they can cause extremely serious injuries.
  • Do not ever power wash glass. This is important to note because they can easily be broken by the high powered stream of the pressure washer.
  • Do not make use of bleach or acid based solutions because they are known as toxic chemicals that can be extremely harmful for both the pressure washer and the people involved.
  • It is highly important that you first go through some power washing education. If you are not that familiar with handling the washer, make sure you read the unit’s manual, view videos online, or even hire someone to demonstrate their use to you.
  • After using your pressure washer, you must flush out the chemical injector after using it. If you do not, you will most likely have difficulties when operating it again.