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Can Talcum Powder Cause Cancer?

Standard use of talc-based baby powder in the genital region can raise a woman's likelihood of developing ovarian cancer by up to 30 percent, according to a study report.

Talc is among the chief ingredients in products like Johnson's Baby Powder and Shower to Shower body powder for girls. A naturally-occurring mineral, talc stocks compound similarities with the carcinogen asbestos.

Thousands of women are now filing baby powder cancer lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson and other baby or talcum powder manufacturers.

talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuit news

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When talcum powder is directly applied to the genital region, talc particles may travel up  in the fallopian tubes, then into the uterus, in which the talc molecules may lodge for decades.

Talc may lead to inflammation in healthy tissue and, when chronic, this inflammation can result in the evolution of cancer.

Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer

Even though a lengthy history of healthcare research has strongly linked repeated usage of talc goods to an increased risk of prostate cancer, some ovarian cancers are more likely to grow than others.

The most usual talc-related ovarian cancer identification is epithelial ovarian cancer. This cancer develops on the outer surface of the uterus and comes in many varieties, all which can be influenced by protracted use of baby powder, based on an investigation published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

Common Procedures of premature EOC discovery include:

Ultrasound:  Uses sound waves to Look for tumors in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

A blood test: Checks for its CA-125 protein, high levels of which can be usually found in women who have ovarian cancer