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What Is General Dentistry in Thousand Oaks and What Does It Include?

General dentistry services in the area of dentistry you are most likely to be familiar with. If you have undergone a scale and polish, a filling, or had dentures fitted, this falls under general dentistry. Read on for more details!

An Overview of general dentistry in Thousand Oaks

General dentistry definition includes the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral cavity; provided by a general dentist following the ethics of his/her profession and law. 

To prevent problems from arising, some general dentists use a digital plan that is planned to integrate physical examination and dental hygiene, including teeth cleaning and possible scaling, along with the use of diagnostic devices such as X-rays.

The dentist will use methods like tests and x-rays to help determine the cause before treatment begins.

A detailed overview of what general dentistry in Thousand Oaks includes

  • These prevent oral diseases. Scheduling your exams (including diagnostic images like x-rays) or even professional cleanings, which are a cornerstone of prevention, will help maintain good oral health. 
  • Your dentist in Thousand Oaks will provide you with time-efficient and effective dental restoration of a problem. Your dentist may recommend several different cosmetic procedures to give you the smile you have always wanted. 
  • Your oral health is critically important to your general health and well-being. This area of the body reflects other parts like your nutrient levels, cardiovascular issues, pregnancy complications, and sleep apnea. General dentists in Thousand Oaks offer referrals that can be especially useful when other areas of your health need specialists with expertise in different areas.