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Monoclonal Antibody – Alternatives For Treating Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or NHL is a serious affection that occurs due to the presence of B cells (B lymphocytes), a type of white blood cells that usually lead to severe complications such as tumors.

On the other hand, although chemotherapy and radiation treatment are considered effective for many people with NHL, these procedures can be very toxic for many patients. You can also get the best custom rabbit monoclonal antibodies via

In addition, experts in the laboratory have developed a new therapy to treat NHL, a therapy known as a monoclonal antibody that has been shown to be safe and effective for certain patients.

Structure of monoclonal antibody that can potently neutralize SARS-CoV-2  and variants of concern

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As we know, the body produces antibodies, substances that play a role in fighting bacteria and viruses. In addition, like many other antibodies, monoclonal antibodies are produced in the laboratory and play a role in producing antitumor effects.

Since most NHL patients have B cells, monoclonal antibody treatment has important results in the treatment of lymphoma, and what’s more, they have been prescribed together with other toxins or radioactive particles that normally kill cells.

In addition, monoclonal antibody treatment usually includes drugs such as Rituxan or Bexxar. First of all, Rituxan treatment is considered very effective for people with NHL and can be used for other types of lymphoma.

Rituxan is the only approved monoclonal antibody treatment for NHL and has been studied most of the time in patients with low-grade NHL recurrence.

It can also be taken without other medications and is usually given intravenously once a week for 4 weeks. Unlike other procedures, Rituxin does not offer serious side effects such as hair loss, vomiting and low blood levels.

Monoclonal antibodies can be very effective in treating NHL because of their low toxicity, as well as the advantage of being able to combine them and their use in combination with chemotherapy or other procedures.