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Demystifying The Sustainable Purchasing Of Fiber Clothing

With rising designers and manufacturers are getting in on the green mode, it is a little more confusing than not to shop for organic or sustainable clothing. 

Popular terminology to describe garments that are usually organic or sustainable is sometimes used loosely as a strategy for marketing to lure consumers into thinking they are doing green purchasing. Words like organic, natural, and green have a different feel which means that it can greatly affect the choice in sustainable textiles and fashion.

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Armed with a bit of background information can develop green purchasing choices a little easier.


Refers to something that can maintain its own survival in the short time allowed to be used continuously, sustainable resources to make clothing fibers become very popular. These include;

Bamboo-perhaps knew of sustainable fibers, maintaining its own survival in a very short amount. It can thrive without the use of herbicides or pesticides.

Hemp- Perhaps the most controversial of continuous fibers is a fast-growing strong plant that grows in soil conditions.


Popper proposed organic related to anything derived from living organisms. Organic products are produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Organic fibers include;

Organic Cotton – In the US, the process of certification of products as organic assures that the product meets strict federal standards as established by the National Organic Program.

Organic wool – The use of certified organic feed, the use of management practices are good for maintaining the health of livestock, and adherence to the natural carrying capacity of grazing land.