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Mushroom: The Magic Food

Mushrooms have a very positive effect on our health. Mushrooms are rich in phytochemicals to fight disease. If you eat mushrooms regularly, they reduce the risk of breast cancer. Mushrooms also stop prostate cancer cells from multiplying.

You may click over here if you want to buy mushroom in Canada.

They provide nutrients that are difficult to access. Medium-sized mushrooms provide 21 percent of your recommended daily intake of selenium and one-third of your honey needs. It also has as much potassium as a medium sized banana. Oysters are a good source of iron.

Mushrooms retain their nutrients when roasting, baking, or in the microwave and can help reduce kilojoules. When minced meat is replaced with mushrooms in dishes like lasagna and bell peppers, adults consume 1,600 kilojoules less per day.

Mushrooms reduce cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. They also reduce insulin resistance, which increases insulin sensitivity and inhibits the growth of cancer tumors. They strengthen the immune system and lower toxic levels of estrogen.

They are anti-inflammatory and have strong antioxidant properties. They are low in sodium, calories and fat. They reduce hormone-dependent breast cancer. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. They help fight infections, increase libido, and fight allergies.

Mushrooms are an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that helps lower high blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke. The average portable mushroom has more potassium than a banana or a glass of orange juice.

Mushrooms have a type of carbohydrate that helps maintain stable blood sugar levels while keeping metabolism high.