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Seeds Or Clones: Which Should Novice Home Growers Choose For Their Weed?

One of the first major decisions a new homeowner must make is whether to start with cannabis seeds or clones. Marijuana seeds and clones are useful and effective in their own way, but there are potential complications that should be considered by new home builders.

Marijuana seeds have characteristics of female parent plants and male father plants, but not exactly the same as genetic replicas. To get marijuana clones you can also opt for San Bernardino clones for sale.

Seeds tend to develop stronger root structures, and farmers can reasonably predict how plants will behave if they conduct basic research on the varieties they buy.

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Canal clones are root cuttings that have the same genetics as the female plants they are from. While changes in the environment can change the exact genetics of the plants produced, the clones are as close as possible to the copy.

The needs and growth trends of the parent plant can be expected from any crop cloned from it.

Questions before choosing between seed and cloning

1. Why are you interested in growing cannabis?

2. Do you have time to wait for the seeds to germinate?

3. Do you want a guarantee that your plants will flower?

4. Do you want to know your gender beforehand?

5. Is your location exposed to pests and environmental triggers?

Before you can answer some of these questions, you need to learn more about the interactions between female and male cannabis plants. Female plants develop flowers that you see on pharmaceutical shelves.

Breeders who are only interested in growing the best and strongest flowers should focus on female plants and protect them from the presence of men.