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How To Choose The Best Braces Type For Your Teeth

Strained or crooked teeth can cause inflammation of the gums, pain, and swelling. Usually, when you wear an orthodontic device over the teeth to straighten them out, it will compress a nerve running through the jaw and cause pain in the cheeks or a headache. Orthodontic devices come in many different styles including metal brackets and Invisalign. 

What are the different types of braces?

There are many different types of braces in Fort Collins, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. The most common types of braces are fixed braces, which keep your teeth in their desired positions; removable braces, which you can take off as needed for eating or drinking; and retainer brackets, which hold the teeth in place without using screws or wires. Before choosing a type of braces, consult with your dentist for a complete assessment of your oral health and needs.

Which braces are right for me?

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There are a few different types of braces that can be used to correct teeth alignment, but each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Before making a decision, it is important to understand the various types and their properties. Here is a brief overview of each type of braces and their potential uses:

Traditional metal braces: Traditional metal braces are the most common type of braces and are made from metal plates that fit around the teeth. They provide the most stability and often require the least amount of adjustment over time. They are best for people with good bite alignment who don’t experience excessive tooth movement.

Invisalign: Invisalign is a clear, plastic aligner that is placed on the teeth before your regular dental appointment. It moves teeth into their correct position through gentle pressure and allows you to eat, drink, and speak without restrictions. 

To get the best Invisalign in Fort collins you may visit this site.

Invisalign is designed to be less painful than traditional metal braces, lasts up to three years, and doesn’t need dental insurance coverage. Some people find that they need more than one set of Invisalign's over time. Invisalign can be used to treat nearly all types of teeth, including crooked teeth, crowded teeth, and defective or missing teeth.