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How To Isolate Your Bed From Bed Bugs

Isolating your bed means cleaning the mattress and linen, and then build the rest of the trap which prevents bed bugs in the room from crawling up the foot of your bed and re-rampant it. By isolating the bed you will not get rid of a bed bug problem, but you will be able to sleep again at night.

Your bed bug exterminator should be involved in this process. Exterminators have chemicals that kill bed bugs hiding in your mattress, box spring, and frame head. You can also pop over to this website to hire bed bug exterminators.

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So, depending on what a pest control professional tell you, some of these steps are necessary for you to do it yourself. Again, following plans with an expert before you start.

What to do

Step 1: Clean your Linens and Bedding

First, you need to pull out your bed sheets, blankets, mattress covers, pillows, and pillowcases. Everything. It is infested with bed bugs, so you need to quickly stuff them into garbage bags and tie the bags off.

Now wash every item in hot water. Do not let them touch the linen full of other linens or clothing items. Then dried on high for 4 hours, or two complete drying cycles. When finished, put each item into XXL Ziploc and seal it.

Step 2: Vacuum Mattress and Box Spring

You are now going to clean the mattress and box spring bed bugs, eggs, or larvae. Exit your vacuum cleaner and clean every inch of your mattress.

Clean every inch of the surface, tassels along the edges and sides of the mattress. Leaning against the wall and vacuum the other side.