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Reasons Why Indoor Air Quality Is An Important Health Concern In Longview

Good indoor air quality is essential to maintaining good health. According to statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor pollution levels are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoors. These pollutants include various types of particles in the air, as well as dust particles such as gases, lung irritants, allergens, toxic chemicals, and VOCs volatile organic compounds.

Contaminants can seriously overload a person's immune system, which over time can lead to other health problems. How badly indoor air quality affects a person often depends on a variety of factors, including health and relative age. However, there are several health problems that are often directly related to Longview indoor air quality and are most common in areas with high levels of air pollution. These include breathing problems, allergy symptoms and a weakened immune system.

Children are particularly vulnerable to various health risks associated with the indoor air pollution because their lungs are still developing and therefore smaller. They also need to breathe more during the day, which becomes difficult when the air quality is poor. When a person experiences an asthma attack or allergy symptoms, poor air quality in their home may be the cause of those symptoms. 

To avoid the dangers of poor indoor air quality, it is important to control possible sources of air pollution. If the pollution is caused by something like smoke, mould, or chemical emissions, these sources should be removed from the home as soon as possible.