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Diesel Farm And Agricultural Machinery

Nowadays, diesel engines power most of the world's agricultural machinery that is used to grow and harvest crops.

Diesel engines power more than half of all agricultural machinery, dispatching 90 % of its product and pouring one-fifth of the water. You can explore more about the latest technology for farm & agriculture machinery.

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96 percent of the large trucks that transport agricultural produce to railroads and warehouses are driven by diesel engines. In agriculture, there is no cheap substitute for diesel engines with the same combination of energy efficiency, performance and productivity, durability, and reliability.

Diesel dominates the entire "agricultural supply chain" – growing products, maintaining crops (irrigation, fertilizers, and pesticides), collecting produce, and even putting products on the market by truck, train, or boat.

Agricultural tractors, couplers, irrigation pumps, and other equipment are labor force industries that are vital to our economy and quality of life.

Today's diesel engines and the vehicles and equipment that power agriculture are very different. This next-generation pure diesel technology is an important milestone for farmers around the world.

With near-zero-emissions, this engine is more efficient, powerful, and productive and can use renewable blended biodiesel fuel. This makes them an important foundation for sustainable agriculture and helps lower crop and food prices.