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Destination Weddings Make Beautiful Memories

Summer vineyards, sunset beaches, yellow in the middle of towering trees, or attractive cosmopolitan cities – these are all good choices for wedding purposes. Many couples choose a place with a romantic association, for example where they can get engaged.

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Others choose the destination of the wedding for fun or the scenery settings they offer.


If you don’t have a family near you or a trusted person who can do research for you, hiring a wedding planner and coordinator is a must for your wedding destination. The local coordinator will help you find the perfect destination, provide safe sources and providers, make calls, be vulnerable to local orders, and avoid unnecessary trips to your destination.

If you have not hired a wedding coordinator, plan four to six trips to your destination. Make the most of your time by calling in advance and planning a date to plan your trip. Many places fill quickly, so it is advisable to plan for at least 12 to 18 months.

Most couples who plan destination weddings prefer intimate feelings to their special day and want to be visited by family and very close friends. This creates a complete concept for a weekend wedding. Friday night begins with wedding and dinner rehearsals.

All guests who have traveled long distances should be invited to a rehearsal dinner and maybe a barbecue on the wedding day (or the next day).