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Design And Print Your Business Stationery


Types of business stationery

Business stationery covers every aspect of your printed communications – with customers, suppliers, and even between different people in your business.

You can also get the best services of business stationery printing at

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The types of stationery most businesses are likely to require include:

  • letterhead paper – A4 paper with your logo and contact details for writing to customers and suppliers
  • compliments slips – usually cut-down versions of your letterhead paper, often attached to documents or cheques you're sending out
  • invoices and receipts – usually created either as a template for computer printing or as duplicate or triplicate books to be filled in by hand
  • business cards – a handy credit-card sized format for your logo and contact details
  • envelopes or envelope stickers

Think carefully about the quantities you're likely to use before any of your business details change – such as your address or telephone number.

Printing larger volumes is cheaper – but it's a false economy if you end up having to dump much of the print run when your details change.

Rather than having every item of stationery professionally designed and printed, you can use a basic design and tailor it in-house. Use your computer and printer to alter your basic letterhead so it serves as an invoice, a receipt or other documents you need.

Most design companies will advise you about the stationery your business requires.